Collection 1,000 pamphlets including Information on A.A., Message to C.F. Administrators and If You Are A Professional, plus a Catalog.
Title | Item ID | Quantity |
A.A. At A Glance | F-1 | 150 |
Literature Catalog | F-10 | 1 |
Information on A.A. | F-2 | 150 |
Problems other than Alcohol Excerpt | F-8 | 50 |
A Message to Correctional Professionals | P-20 | 30 |
A.A. as a Resource for the Health Care Professional | P-23 | 100 |
Faith Leaders Ask About Alcoholics Anonymous | P-25 | 50 |
How A.A. Members Cooperate with Professionals | P-29 | 30 |
Is A.A. for You? | P-3 | 50 |
A.A. In Your Community | P-31 | 150 |
If You Are A Professional, A.A. Wants to Work With You | P-46 | 150 |
A.A. Membership Survey | P-48 | 50 |